A summary of the 2022 Pre-K JumpStart

The Feast Down East organization is striving to develop the regional food system in Southeast North Carolina. They address fair food access in communities with the highest need, aiming to enhance the farming communities and providing chances for education, and distribution. To create unique and instructive events, they are collaborating with Soaring As Eagles. Children are now learning how to plant and grow food they can eventually eat.

Yoga Village is an organization that offers a warm invitation to physically and emotionally therapeutic yoga. According to them, everybody and everyone can practice yoga. Students are urged to embrace yoga as a means of learning about themselves and the world around them. Soaring As Eagles and Yoga Village are collaborating to help our little ones with coping skills.

Soaring As Eagles collaborated with Wilmington Police Department (WPD) during our Pre-K JumpStart. The kids loved interacting with police cars, learning safety, and more. It is so important as parents to make sure our children know police safety. Our youth should know how to stay away from strangers, call for help, and dial 911.

We are so glad to have our kids learning about our community and its hard workers!!
When Wilmington Fire Department (WFD) visited our Pre-K JumpStart our kids were thrilled to ride in the fire truck and learn about fire safety!!
It is crucial for our kids to know the basic rules of fire safety and Wilmington Fire Department had us covered!!
We went over smoke detectors, escape routes, checking for heat, stop drop and roll, and most importantly using your hands not your eyes. Our team was committed to making sure every child was learning proficiently and having fun!!
Our children experienced the 4 basic taste categories: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. We chose foods such as lemons, pickles, watermelon, and different candies. They had a great time trying new flavors and learning about their last buds.


This was the first time Pre-K JumpStart had two locations. Thank you, Columbus County schools, for allowing Soaring As Eagles to use Acme Delco Elementary School. We'd like to thank all of our volunteers, teachers, parents, students, corporations, and nonprofit organizations who help support the 2022 Pre-K JumpStart program!
During our graduation, the children sang a few songs including a song in Spanish with Yolanda House (PBS Ambassador). All children received book bags filled with supplies and goodies along with either a gift card from Chick-Fil-A or McDonald’s.